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In 1977, he came to the United States for the first time, and since then has painted in different areas of the country. Traveling has been his custom since he left his country. From his travels, he has gained tremendous insight from the distinctive realities of the various countries as expressed in the dramatization of his paintings.
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Where I can get XEvil?
Sharonjus | 10.05.2019
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How much will cost me to buy one of his pieces
Jose Francisco Corniellis | 05.05.2019
I am thinking of buying one of his pieces from a friend but I don't know how much to pay for his pain
Re: How much will cost me to buy one of his pieces
Daniela Flores | 16.05.2019
I have two pieces of Mr. Lopez Baylon to sale
Business Proposal
DavidSow | 28.03.2019
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have an important transaction that will benefit us both.i need your help in this transaction as you shall be rewarded for your help and efforts.
Get back to me on my private email for more details: nuoshad28@gmail.com
waiting for your reply.
steve smith | 13.01.2019
I was in Costa Rica 6 years ago and bought a small print of a painting by you. It was of 4 kids playing soccer, one of the kids has a peg leg. I would like to buy a larger print of this piece. Can you let me know how I can purchase a larger print (8" x 12", or about thart size).
Thank you
Precio de obra hombre a caballo 2005
Dulce Arce | 23.10.2018
Estoy interesada en el precio
Valor de sus obras
Adalberto Alguero | 04.01.2018
Saludos.. admiro mucho sus obras... recientemente heredé una obra de oleo... de 2 barcos.. queria saber donde puedo hacerle avalúo.. o conocer su valor