
Lisandro Lopez Baylon was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in the year 1951. He studied at the Pan-American School of Arts as well as the School of Fine Arts, both situated in the city of Buenos Aires. Since 1971, he has dedicated his energies exclusively to painting. He has lived and presented expositions in the different cities of South and Central America. 
In 1977, he came to the United States for the first time, and since then has painted in different areas of the country. Traveling has been his custom since he left his country. From his travels, he has gained tremendous insight from the distinctive realities of the various countries as expressed in the dramatization of his paintings.


OIL On Canvas

Elementos: 1 - 7 de 7

Charcoal on Paper

Elementos: 1 - 5 de 5


Hi i am writing about your price

Christianmum | 13.01.2023

Sawubona, bengifuna ukwazi intengo yakho.

?оmen's couplе. ?е want to meet а man?...

MargaritaSipt | 12.01.2023

? ароlоgіzе for the оverly ѕpеcіfiс meѕsage.
Мy girlfrіеnd and I love еach othеr. Аnd wе arе all great.
Вut... wе nееd а man.
Wе аre 24 уears old, from Rоmaniа, we also know еnglіѕh.
?e nеvеr get bored! And nоt оnlу in talk...
?y namе іs Мargаrіta, my рrofilе іѕ here:


DavidDub | 12.01.2023

Доброго Дня! Пользователи всемирной паутины.
Внимание! Важно!
Участковый УМВД по г. Севастополю, р-на Северной стороны, кинотеатра "Моряк".
с ежемесячной подачкой до 100 тсч. ру.
На дООООООООооооолгОООоо закрыл своих отца и мать.
И начал дрочить на законы и статьи, сжигая иконы и ссать на святынь.
Такой, дрыщь, ответит, пред, Закъномъ Божъим!

Cigars' with anasha'hemp'

Stephenaluth | 12.01.2023

Доброго Дня! Пользователи всемирной паутины.
Внимание! Важно!
Участковый УМВД по г. Севастополю, р-на Северной стороны, кинотеатра "Моряк".
с ежемесячной подачкой до 100 тсч. ру.
На дООООООООооооолгОООоо закрыл своих отца и мать.
И начал дрочить на законы и статьи, сжигая иконы и ссать на святынь.
Такой, дрыщь, ответит, пред, Закъномъ Божъим!

Hi i writing about price

Markmum | 10.01.2023

Ciao, volevo sapere il tuo prezzo.

Hallo i writing about your price

Petermum | 10.01.2023

Salut, ech wollt Äre Präis wëssen.

Hi i write about your the prices

Jamesmum | 04.01.2023

Hallo, ek wou jou prys ken.

Aloha i am writing about prices

Jessemum | 04.01.2023

Hej, jeg ønskede at kende din pris.

Hello wrote about price

Frankmum | 31.12.2022

Sveiki, es gribēju zināt savu cenu.

Aloha i am wrote about your the price for reseller

Dennismum | 31.12.2022

Hi, ego volo scire vestri pretium.

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